Thursday, August 8, 2013

Baby Steps!

This is a unique piece that I found that was begging to be refinished. There was a lady in the store at the time, that was eyeballing me, waiting on me to pass it up so that she could pounce on it. 
I snatched it up and stuffed it into the car! It was coming home! 

This was my first piece of furniture to have EVER refinished. Most of my recent purchases have been smaller items, or non furniture items. 

I decided to go basic with a nice white-ish color, and then distress it. A friend of mine had told me about MMS Milk Paint, and so I tried it. At first, I didn't quite get the measurements correct and it was too watery. After three coats, I figured it out...and it was quite perfect. I had a lot of the natural chipping, which was awesome! I had studied MMS tutorials, so I was prepared and scraped away just as she specified. 

I was very pleased with how it turned out. 
...and now, I'm addicted...and in love with MMS Milk Paint.

It was the perfect nightstand/bookcase for my daughter. She loves it! 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice....
    I haven't yet tried MMS milk paint
    Did you do anything special to get his look?
